Luxury Apartments


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Endless Amenities at Your Fingertips

Pamper yourself and relax with the abundance of life enhancing facilities we provide here at Smartland Body Block Arcade Apartments. Enjoy the bounty of lavish space available for you and your family along with all your beloved processions. High ceilings along with modern equipped and newly renovated kitchens are just a couple of the many benefits we offer our tenants. On-site maintenance combined with 24-hour surveillance and convenient electronic payments are additional features we include. Smartland Body Block Apartments will give you the opportunity to enhance and rejuvenate your new lifestyle in your new home. Drop by and take a gander at everything we provide here at our very affordable apartment community.

Apartment Amenities

  • Exceptional One and Two Bedroom Apartments
  • Fully-Equipped Kitchens
  • Large Closets
  • Tub/Shower
  • Air Conditioning*
  • High Ceilings*

Community Amenities

  • Maintenance-Free Lifestyle
  • Central Location
  • Controlled Access Building
  • Convenient Laundry Facility
  • 24-Hour Video Surveillance
  • On-Site Maintenance
  • Minutes to Downtown
  • On RTA Bus Line
  • Electronic Payments Available
* Select apartment homes only

New Pet Park

We at Smartland love pets. We believe people are generally happier with their pets. If you rescued a pet in 2019 or later, we'll waive your pet deposit. See what gorgeous pet park we have built at the Smartland Body Block Arcade Apartments!

Free Uber Me Home

Uber Me Home amenity is the first of its kind and exclusive to Smartland tenants. When you party just a little too hard, once monthly, you can get an Uber ride, courtesy of Smartland, from wherever you are back home.

EV Charging Stations​

Smartland has chosen to take a front running position on doing our part for the earth. We have introduced EV charging stations on our apartment properties. We want ot make it convenient for those who already have Electric Vehicles, as well as encourage others to take a step forward and get one.

24 Hour Maintenance​

Anytime day or night you can call upon Smartland’s Maintenance team. Our crew is professional and personable and will help you with any maintenance related problem. Emergency situations are handled right away.